The Defilers: Pornography and horror imbedded in art?

Winner of the 2005 Best New Canadian Christian Author Award.

Pornography and horror imbedded in art?

I've been getting a number of visitors to this site over the past few days who have Googled Rape of the Soul, or imbedded images in Catholic art.

World Net Daily has picked up the story.

Five experts speak on the different aspects of the artwork, including Michael A. Calace, an Italian director, actor, writer and producer who is also a devout Roman Catholic.

Calace embarked on a mission of "Merging Media with Morality" to create family-oriented films of true life drama for Silver Sword International, his production company. While doing so, he uncovered a series of religious scandals. Calace puts to use his experiences of more than 20 years of expertise to discover a huge amount of offensive images of carefully embedded sexual and occult horror. He explains the techniques used to embed the images, and he presents discoveries from his investigations.

"The deeper I dug, the more I discovered, not just in regard to contemporary art, but works dating back more than 500 years, from some well-known and respected artists. Sex and horror is the fuel that promotes the scandalous behavior in the Church. This is the answer why, and Church leaders don't have to look very far, because the problem is coming from within the Church itself," said Calace of his research.

I haven't seen the documentary. I wonder though, whether the images have caused the problem, or whether deviant attitudes, attractions to lust and horror already present in various individuals, have perhaps put them there, as a sign of their dissent.


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