At the check-out counter yesterday, as a young lady helped put my groceries into the cart, she suddenly exclaimed, "You have a huge, freakin' bug in your bananas!"
Sure enough, when I leaned over, I saw---inside a plastic bag thankfully---what looked like a cockroach about two inches long.
"I'm not taking those bananas," I said and a young male employee scooped the bag from my cart and the young lady who had spotted La Cacuracha promised to bring me another bag of bananas, since I'd already paid for them.
As I waited, another drama ensued. I saw a red-faced, dark-haired young woman carrying a plastic bag sans bananas that I realized still contained the bug, who was, "too big to kill" and would have created the giant squishing sound all the way to Mexico or the Dominican Republic or Costa Rica, wherever the bug came from.
"This is murder," she said, striding purposefully towards the exit, her shoulders hunched to protect her death row victim from the hands of a male employee who was trying to get it from her.
For a moment I wondered, gee, what if Mama Cucuracha did get loose and dropped thousands of eggs to be an invasive species. (It is then when you thank God for Canadian winters.) And ugh, what if the eagle-eyed young lady had not spotted the bug and I had brought it home? It was definitely even bigger than Igor, the centipede or millipede? who lives in my basement, could handle as a snack. I like Igor and let him live because he is like a "cat" to other insect "mice" and does a good job as a carnivore. Igor is shy and pretends he is a fake mustache if I catch him by turning on the lights. Then he scurries away.
Thankfully, the male employee was successful in grabbing the bug-bag away from the young woman. Hmmmm. She was definitely pro-life when it comes to cockroaches. Would she have the same public concern for unborn children?